Low-carb Diet: How to Lose Weight with the Power of Ketosis

Low-carb Diet: How to Lose Weight with the Power of Ketosis


low carb diet is based on eating less starchy foods: pasta, bread, and rice while eating more eggs, meats, nuts, and legumes.

This means you eat less carbohydrates and eat foods that are packed with fat and protein. At first, you might ask why would you want to eat more fat? Isn’t the goal here is to lose the extra fat and not to gain more? You might think that eating more fat will make you fatter but what you don’t know is that it’s not the fat that makes you swell but the carbohydrates. By cutting back carbohydrates, our body will eventually go into ketosis (a state which our body uses our stored fat as an energy source).

The fastest way to reach ketosis is through fasting but if you don’t want to fast you could slowly reach it by limiting your carbohydrate intake.

To do that you need to eat at least 20 to 50 grams of net carbs or less per day. Now the next question is how will you know if your body is in ketosis? Some of the symptoms include a burst of energy and heightened mood. While others will experience a temporary sweet taste in the mouth or a mild, sweet breath odor.

For you to be successful in losing weight you need to know what types of foods have low carbs. Also, you need to change the ratio of carbohydrates, fat, and protein that you eat.

Another reason that you should limit carbohydrate is because your pancreas – as a result of high blood sugar – will produce extra insulin and insulin promotes the storage of fat in the body. In fact, without insulin, there is no fat storage possible.

When on a low-carb diet, you must limit yourself from eating food that has a lot of sugar.

This means no sugar in coffee, tea, no candy and no soda. Also, cutback on fruits and vegetables that contain high sugar. However, you still need to consume fruits and vegetables aside from eating meat and fat so that you still get the macro nutrients that your body need. Products that you need to eat more when you are on a low-carb diet includes eggs, meat, fish, and oils (coconut oil, olive oil, etc.). To compensate for the calorie loss due to this diet you need to consume nuts and legumes. You also need to hydrate frequently as you lose moisture faster. This is due to the small amount of carbohydrates that you take in your body.

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